Linggo, Oktubre 16, 2011

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio Installed Solar Panels Into His Home

Leonardo DiCarpio deserves no greater introductions as most, if not all, already know him. For the benefit of those who were living inside a cave over the past decade, Leonardo DiCarpio is the actor made famous for his portrayal of Jack in the blockbuster movie Titanic together with Kate Winslet who starred as Rose. Other movies by DiCarpio are Catch Me If You Can, The Aviator, Blood Diamond and Inception. His romantic life is as publicized as his career including his relationship with the hot Brazilian supermodel Gisele Bündchen. Just recently, he was involved with Gossip Girl celebrity Blake Lively. With all those mentioned, what sets DiCaprio apart from mega-celebrities is his love for the environment. He owns a hybrid vehicle and lives in what one may consider a trending solar panels for your home type of houses. He is a recognized environmentalist and has received citations from environmental organizations due to his activism.

DiCarpio has joined with Al Gore in raising awareness regarding global warming. They appeared together in 2006 at the Academy Awards. In one of Leo’s numerous interviews, he stated that global warming is the number one environmental challenge. He produced one documentary entitled 11th Hour which features global warming and other ecological issues.

He also set his own foundation named which is focused on sustainable programs for the environment. In 2001, his organization achieved the Martin Litton Environmental Warrior Award. He has generously donated $1,000,000 to the Wildlife Conservation Society in November of 2010 as well as donated another $1,000,000 for the relief campaigns in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010.

To be a good model, leo puts his words into actions by flying on commercial flights instead of using private jets. He has several properties which include an island on Belize, previously called British Honduras, and has made plans to convert it into an Eco-friendly resort. In addition, his residence in Manhattan is an eco-friendly building that is probably installed with a solar PV (photovoltaic) system and overlooking the Hudson river. Leo efforts turned out to be outstanding since he has worked with a lot of environmental organizations and supported efforts for sustainable development. He was recently seen participating in Live Earth concerts.

DiCarprio is definitely someone to look up to with regard to his philanthropic and environmental initiatives. If you are one of those inspired by his environmental activism and would want to follow his lead, you can start by installing a solar panel system in your home. You can go over to this solar panel website and be more informed in using solar energy.

3 komento:

  1. With a lot of people turning to solar energy nowadays to fuel their electricity
    needs, solar energy is indeed emerging as a top player.

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  2. It`s a good thinking having a Solar panels on the roof of your home...
